Aalto University School of Science and Technology
Department of Computer Science and Engineering
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Aalto University School of Science and Technology
Department of Computer Science and Engineering
TKK Technical Reports in Computer Science and Engineering,
Espoo, 2010
Securing Services on the Internet
Seminar on Network Security, Autumn 2010
Tuomas Aura, Sandeep Tamrakar (eds.)
Tutors: Andrei Gurtov, Andrey Lukyanenko, Antero Juntunen, Billy Brumley, Boris Nechaev, Elena Reshetova, Erka Koivunen, Juha Sääskilahti, Markus Miettinen, Miika Komu, Sandeep Tamrakar, Sanna Suoranta, Tuomas Aura, Yrjö Raivio The articles have been written by the students at the course T-110.5290 Seminar on Network Security in the autumn 2010. We thank the tutors for providing advice during the process of writing. The authors have full copyright to their articles.
The seminar on network security, Netsec, is a Masters level course that has been organized at Aalto University (previously Helsinki University of Technology) annually since 1995. In this course, the students write a technical paper and present it in a two-day seminar event. Most of the papers and presentations are overviews or tutorials of specific network security solutions and technologies based on literature. The papers are printed in a technical report. The best papers often make a research contribution and lead to publications in other venues. The theme of the seminar changes from year to year. Regardless of the theme, the seminar usually covers most aspects of network security including latest networking technologies, authentication and identity management, applied cryptography, device security, and human aspects like privacy and usability. The topics are proposed by tutors who are doctoral students, researchers and experienced IT professionals, often alumni of the university. The participation of the tutors, especially those from the industry and other organizations outside the university, is a key part of the student experience and an opportunity to meet new people and compare different perspectives on technology. The theme for this year's network security seminar is securing services on the Internet. The implementation of online services is going through a fundamental transition from simple client-server systems to cloud architectures, which promise to reduce cost and improve the scalability of the services but also require rethinking of many engineering aspects including security. Key technologies in this transformation are cloud technologies like data centers, virtualization and distributed storage. Research projects at Aalto University also explore advanced architectures for content delivery. Applications are changing from standalone products to ones where functionality is distributed between mobile client devices and online servers. Moreover, applications increasingly take advantage of the social connections and sharing that are possible in the online world. These developments create great opportunities but also risks as the traditional security boundaries disappear and system isolation and data ownership need rethinking. The scalability mechanism needs to take into account denial of service threats, and the distribution of data creates issues with privacy and regulation. The network security seminar this autumn explores a broad range of topics related to the ongoing changes in the way secure online services are implemented and, ultimately, experienced. We hope you enjoy the seminar and find the proceedings interesting. Prof. Tuomas Aura Data Communications Software
Paper Collection
Enhancing Network Security by Using Social Contacts - Syed Safi Ali Shah (pdf)
Privacy Protection in Social Networking Services - Daoyuan Li (pdf)
Designing User Centric Privacy Policy - Puneet Kaur (pdf)
Reputation in Cloud Computing - Adrian Yanes (pdf)
Comparing various realizations of the cloud computing paradigm - Bo Pang (pdf)
Comparison between security solutions in Cloud and Grid Computing - David Munoz Sanchez (pdf)
Secure and anonymous communication in the cloud - Risto Laurikainen (pdf)
Security concerns in commercial cloud computing - Jaime Jimenez (pdf)
Monitoring Intrusions and Security Breaches in Highly Distributed Cloud Environments Aryan Taheri (pdf)
Security Challenges in Hybrid Cloud Infrastructure - Koushik Annapureddy (pdf)
Privacy Challenges of open APIs: Case LBS - Alberto Vila Tena (pdf)
Network Coding for DoS resistance - Max Suraev (pdf)
Multipath Routing, Congestion Avoidance and DDos Resistance - Kari Visala (pdf)
Cryptanalysis of Cubehash - Vikash Jha (pdf)
Recent Attacks on Tor - Juha Salo (pdf)
Novel CAPTCHA schemes - Ville Saalo (pdf)
Biometric authentication Today - Tjark Vandommele (pdf)
Strong Authentication with mobile phones - Janne Kaavi (pdf)
Privacy in Mobile-ticketing - Rushil Dave (pdf)
Trustworthy Identity Management for Web Authentication - Ramasivakarthik Mallavarapu (pdf)
Credential Remote Management - Laura Marcia Villalba Monne (pdf)