Helsinki University of Technology
Faculty of Information and Natural Sciences
Department of Computer Science and Engineering
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Helsinki University of Technology
Department of Computer Science and Engineering
TKK Technical Reports in Computer Science and Engineering,
Espoo, 2008
From End-to-End to Trust-to-Trust
Seminar on Network Security, Autumn 2008
Sasu Tarkoma, Jani Heikkinen(eds.)
Tutors: Ronja Addams-Moring, Tuomas Aura, Jani Heikkinen, Mikko Pitkänen, Teemu Rinta-Aho, Petri Savolainen, Xiang Su, Sasu Tarkoma, Jukka Valkonen
Trust-to-trust, future internet, trust, privacy, mobility
The articles have been written by the students at the course
Seminar on Network Security in the Autumn 2008. We thank the
tutors for providing advice during the process of writing.
The authors have full copyright to their articles.
ISBN: 978-951-22-9753-5
ISSN: 1797-6944
The aim of the Fall 2008 Seminar of Network Security is to examine the implications of a recently proposed paradigm of Trust-to-Trust from different viewpoints including protocols, network design, applications, and services.
The original architectural principles for the Internet were the End-to-End and robustness principles. The former, in its original expression, placed the maintenance of state and overall intelligence at the edges, and assumed the Internet that connected the edges retained no state and concentrated on efficiency and simplicity. Today's real-world needs for firewalls, NATs, Web content caches have essentially modified this principle.
The End-to-End principle implies that application logic is executed by endpoints of communication and follows secondary principles such as minimality, generality, simplicity, and openness. In today's Internet, logic has been distributed between end hosts, middleboxes such as firewalls and NATs, and trusted 3rd parties, such as Web sites. It follows that for the end user, it is crucial that any application functionality related to the user's activities is executed in a trustworthy manner. This observation has led to a reformulation of the original End-to-End principle called Trust-to- Trust (T2T). T2T gives an opportunity for principals to choose where application logic is executed by trusted points. The proposal for T2T has created a lot of discussion in the networking community and it remains to be seen how trust is reflected in the future Internet architecture.
The papers cover a lot of ground around the course theme including security protocols, ad hoc networking, peer-to-peer, and data-centric networking. The papers consider existing state of the art and in some cases offer new insights into distributed systems and their trustworthiness.
The students and their tutors have done a very good job in preparing the papers. I would like to thank Jani Heikkinen for help with planning and organizing this seminar.
Prof. Sasu Tarkoma
Department of Computer Science and Engineering
Helsinki, December 4th, 2008
PDF: From End-to-End to Trust-to-Trust: Proceedings of the Seminar on Network Security, Autumn 2008