Visibility with Rotational Sweep

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Simulate the rotational sweep algorithm for finding the visible vertices for the given set of polygons.

VISIBLE_VERTICES(PolygonSet S, Point p)
 1. initialize balanced search tree T
 2. initialize list L
 3. Sort the obstacle vertices in set S according to the 
    clockwise angle that the half-line from p to each vertex 
    makes with the positive x-axis. In case of ties vertices 
    closer to p should come before vertices farther from p. Let 
    W1, ..., Wn be the sorted list.
 4. Let r be the half-line parallel to the positive x-axis 
    starting at p. Find the obstacle edges that are properly 
    intersected by r, and store them in a balanced search tree
    T in the order in which they are intersected by r.
 5. i = 1 // rotate the ray to the first vertex
 6. while not (i > n)
 7.   Delete from T the obstacle edges incident to Wi that lie 
      on the counterclockwise side of the half-line from p to 
 8.   if (VISIBLE(p, Wi, T))
 9.     L.append(Wi)
10.   Insert into T the obstacle edges incident to Wi that lie 
      on the clockwise side of the half-line from p to Wi.
11.   increment i // rotate the ray to the next vertex
12. return L

  Created Fri Oct 30 13:52:47 EET 2009 - Powered by SVG-hut